How can we lost 20 kg in 2 months by suryanamaskar?

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1. Suryanamaskar

Suryanamaskar (also spelled Surya Namaskar) is an exercise routine that involves raising both arms above your head, touching your toes together while simultaneously keeping your legs straight. By doing this pose, you are stretching out your spine and breathing deeply.

2. Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation are two completely different practices, however they have a few similarities. Both practices encourage deep relaxation and focus your mind. Meditation helps clear your thoughts and slows down your breathing while yoga encourages deep abdominal breaths and stretches.

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3. Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises help to relax your body and calm your mind. You can do any type of breathing exercise, including simple belly breathing, pranayama, and even chanting.

4. Walking

Walking is great way to get some fresh air and move around. Walking also increases blood flow throughout your body. If you’re looking to lose weight, walking is a great way to burn calories without having to lift heavy objects.

5. Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a great way to release tension from your muscles and ease soreness caused by working out. Make sure to go to a professional massage therapist if you want to receive the best treatment possible.

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6. Exercising

Exercise is a great way to increase your heart rate and get rid of toxins from your body. Try to avoid exercising after eating because the food will slow down digestion and cause stomach cramps.

7. Medication

Taking medication is not recommended for losing weight. In fact, taking medications may actually make you gain weight. However, there are certain natural supplements that have been proven to work. One example is green tea extract, which contains catechins. Catechins have been proven to speed up your metabolic rate and suppress your appetite.

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