You'll Wish You Knew These 8 Home Remedies for Indigestion Earlier

 you have severe indigestion? The best home treatments for indigestion can be found in your kitchen cabinets; instead of running to the pharmacy, buy one of these instead.

Best Natural Treatments for Indigestion

Ginger is renowned for soothing upset stomachs and enhancing digestion. There are three alternatives for dyspepsia home remedies: Take one or two 250-milligram ginger capsules with meals, consume a few candied ginger pieces when necessary, or prepare a cup of ginger tea. (See additional reviving spices and herbs.)


A traditional home treatment for dyspepsia is chamomile. It relaxes intestinal spasms and settles the stomach. Drink a few cups of chamomile tea throughout the day, or take a half-teaspoon of chamomile tincture up to three times daily.

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Treat yourself some peppermint if you enjoy a bit of zing. The plant's oil eases nausea and reduces intestinal muscular spasms. (Learn more natural cures for nausea.) Between meals, take one or two of the 0.2 milliliter oil-per-capsule capsules three times a day, or enjoy a warm cup of peppermint tea.

Toadstool and Caraway

When you have indigestion, chew and swallow a tablespoon of fennel or caraway seeds. These seeds have oils that ease nausea, calm stomach spasms, and reduce flatulence. If taken shortly after a spicy meal, fennel can also help prevent indigestion. For this reason, certain Indian eateries provide fennel seed meals to patrons.


Consider deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which is available in health food stores. By coating the stomach lining, this medication calms upset stomach and indigestion. (Learn about more pleasantly surprise licorice health advantages.)

Warm Water

Some people assert that simply sipping a cup of hot water would relieve dyspepsia. Also suggested to calm an upset stomach are warm ginger ale, lemon-lime soda, or flat cola.

Cider Vinegar, Apple

Try consuming a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar diluted with a half-cup of water as a sour remedy. If your stomach doesn't have enough acid, it will aid in your ability to digest the food. A little honey can be added to the dish to make it sweeter. After a substantial dinner, this works great. Just be cautious to stay away from it while taking apple cider vinegar.


Drink a glass of water after adding a teaspoon of baking soda to it. This solution neutralizes stomach acid and aids in the relief of uncomfortable gas if your stomach is overly acidic. Some experts advise adding a few drops of lemon juice to the baking soda since, in extremely rare circumstances, baking soda can erupt in the stomach and cause tears.

before it enters your stomach, of the gas.

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