Could you describe your preferred method for losing weight?


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1. Eat Less Sugar!

If you have a sweet tooth, it’s time to cut down on sugar intake. Sugars cause blood glucose levels to spike and drop rapidly, which means your body has less fuel reserves to use. This triggers cravings for sweets and often results in overeating. In addition, excess sugar causes insulin production spikes, which increases appetite even further, leading to weight gain. If you want to help yourself stay slim, decrease your consumption of added sugars, including sodas, fruit juices, granulated sugar, honey, brown rice syrup, agave nectar, maple syrup, etc.

2. Boost Your Protein Intake

Protein helps prevent muscle loss and boosts your metabolic rate, making it easier to burn fat. Adding protein-rich foods to your diet will not only make you feel fuller longer, but it's also likely to boost your metabolism. Try lean meats (chicken breast, turkey breast), fish, beans, legumes, tofu, soybeans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Dairy products like milk and yogurt are great ways to get protein without eating meat.

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3. Move More

Getting enough exercise is the single biggest factor people can do to reduce their risk of diabetes. Exercise boosts metabolism, burns calories, builds muscle, decreases belly fat, lowers cholesterol, and keeps joints flexible. Find activities you enjoy, whether it’s running, swimming, biking, dancing, gardening, working out at the gym, hiking, walking, playing sports with friends, or anything else. Start small if needed; just 30 minutes per day can have major effects on your waistline. And don't forget to drink plenty of water while exercising. Exercising daily is ideal, but if you're unable to exercise due to illness, injury, work commitments, family obligations, travel, etc., start slowly and build up gradually.

4. Lower Stress Levels

Stress affects many parts of our bodies - our digestion, immune system, hormones, heart, nervous system, muscles, skin, and mood. When we experience high amounts of chronic stress, those systems begin to break down. Chronic stress decreases our ability to fight off illnesses, increase our chances of developing certain cancers and diseases like diabetes, and deplete our immune system. Studies show that people who report having higher levels of stress tend to eat more food than people who report lower levels of stress. So find ways to manage stress in your life. Get proper rest. Sleep at least eight hours each night. Take regular breaks throughout the day. Keep busy. Keep your mind off worries. Avoid caffeine after 2 p.m. Watch what you say. Don't take things personally. Spend quality time with loved ones. Practice positive self-talk. Do something kind for someone else. Focus on solutions rather than problems. Listen to music. Laugh. Be nice to yourself.

5. Say No to Caffeine

Coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, alcohol... these are some of the worst enemies of our weight loss efforts. Many people try to compensate for the negative effects of caffeine by drinking lots of sugary beverages, which only adds pounds to their waistlines. Not to mention coffee contains a lot of acid and caffeine, which makes the digestive tract acidic and hard to digest food properly. Coffee is also known to raise cortisol levels, causing increased hunger. Another downside? One cup of coffee can cost you over 100 calories! So if you need to keep a clear head and focus, try to limit caffeine to once or twice a week.

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6. Control Your Portion Size

A study done in 2013 showed that people ate much larger portions than they thought they did. People were serving themselves three times the amount they thought they should eat! To avoid overeating, fill half your plate with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Then leave room on top for healthy fats, protein, and dairy. You'll be surprised how full you feel without overeating.

7. Drink Water

Water is the number one thing people neglect to drink on a daily basis. According to the Mayo Clinic, staying well-hydrated is important for good nutrition, weight management, athletic performance, bone health, and healthy skin. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. You may notice an instant flush of energy and a brighter complexion. Plus, it's free! There are many different types of flavored waters you can choose from. Try lemonade, orange juice, kiwi fruit, tomato, cucumber, coconut water, etc.

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