How can I lose 10 kg of weight in a week?


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1. Do cardio workouts at least 5 times per week (Cardio exercises should not only focus on aerobic exercise)

Exercising is something we cannot do without. It is an essential part of our daily lives. We need to engage in physical activities in order to stay fit and healthy. Cardiovascular exercises help improve blood circulation and oxygen supply to various parts of the body. Moreover, they stimulate hormone production, increase metabolic rate, and boost endorphins. These hormones are responsible for reducing stress levels and boosting mood. However, many people tend to avoid doing cardiovascular workouts due to their belief that it’ll burn fat faster than any other type of workout.

The truth is that performing cardiovascular workouts helps reduce belly fat and build lean muscle mass. To achieve these results, make sure to perform high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT programs are designed to increase your heart rate and help you burn maximum calories while exercising. In fact, research shows that HIIT burns up to 10% more calories than traditional steady state cardio programs.

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To get started, pick a day where you won’t have any obligations. Then, set a timer for 30 minutes and proceed to complete 6 rounds of 20 seconds of max effort followed by a 2 minute rest period. You may choose to alternate between cardio and strength training sessions instead of doing them consecutively.

If you feel tired after completing the HIIT session, try adding some weights to your routine. Weight training increases the amount of calorie expenditure during exercise since muscle cells require much more oxygen compared to fat ones.

You also need to eat plenty of protein-rich foods that will help you recover after each session. Protein helps rebuild muscles and repair damaged tissues in your body. Try consuming chicken breast, fish, whey protein, soy milk, and eggs.

2. Drink water before, during, and after exercising

Drink lots of water to keep your body well-hydrated. Water works as a natural diuretic when your body sweats excessively. Besides, drinking enough water assists in restoring proper electrolyte balance in the body. By staying properly hydrated, you eliminate the risks of cramps, dehydration, dizziness, exhaustion, constipation, etc.

During intense workouts, aim to drink about 1.5 liters of water. If you don’t know how much a liter of water weighs, just multiply half of your body weight by 8 ounces (oz.) for a rough estimate. So if you weigh 150 pounds, then you should consume 150 x 8 oz.  1200 oz. of water throughout the day.

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However, ensure to not overdo it; your body does not need to be constantly recharged with water. Overdrinking could cause diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, headache and even kidney failure.

3. Have your meals timed right

Try to eat 4 small meals a day rather than three big ones. Eating smaller amounts of food at regular intervals prevents hunger pangs and overeating. Besides, eating frequently keeps your blood sugar level stable.

It is best to eat every two hours but if you find yourself hungry between meals, simply wait 15 to 20 minutes and take a small snack.

4. Stay away from sugary drinks

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                      Photo by on Unsplash


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