How much weight can I lose by not eating?


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I'm sure this question is asked at least once per day. But how about we take a step back and think about what's going on here. You don't need to eat to live, right? Well, in fact no. Eating is necessary (obviously) to stay alive. But if you were to cut out everything but water and air, would you still feel fine? If not, then maybe cutting out food isn't the best idea. 

So let's look at some numbers. A typical adult male weights around 180 pounds. Let's say for argument's sake that you aren't happy with your current bodyweight. Could cutting down on calories and drinking only water make you lose 10 pounds in a month? Here's some simple math to help shed some light on this topic. 

180 lbs x 30 days  5400 grams/day  270 calories/gram 

270 cali / gram  1350 calories 

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This means that you could drink 8 glasses (16 ounces each) of water everyday and still have enough calories to maintain yourself. In reality though, you'd probably want to add something to the mix. Since the average person eats around 2000 calories per day, then adding 500 calories should be plenty of fuel for you while losing weight. 

In case you're interested, here are a few tips for shedding weight without actually eating anything. 

- Drink Water - There's really nothing else to say here. Drinking plenty of H20 will allow you to flush your system clean and keep your liver working just as it should. 

- Exercise - Just saying. The extra calories burned from exercise will do wonders for your calorie intake. 

- Avoid Refined Sugar - Refined sugar takes way too many calories to burn off. While it may taste good, avoid it. Instead opt for natural sweeteners like honey, agave, maple syrup, etc. 

- Don't Skip Meals - Skipping meals doesn't work. Your body requires fuel to run properly. If you skip breakfast, you won't get any fuel to start your day, nor will you receive any fuel to digest your lunch. By skipping meals, you'll end up feeling tired and lethargic. Try eating smaller portions throughout the day (instead of three big meals). 

- Stay Hydrated - Staying hydrated will help prevent dehydration. Dehydration causes headaches, dizziness, fatigue, and muscle cramps. Be careful to drink lots of water. If you're thirsty, drink a glass of water. 


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- Get Active - Moving your body burns calories and increases your metabolic rate. Even if you're sitting at home watching TV, find ways to move. Take a walk. Do push ups. Anything that gets your heart pumping will increase your metabolic rate. 

- Eat Healthy Food - Start small. Cut out candy, soda, chips, and junk food. These foods don't give you any nutritional benefit, they cause inflammation, and they will definitely hinder your efforts in reaching your goal. Remember that a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, eggs, and nuts will promote a healthier lifestyle. 

While these ideas will help you lose weight, remember that this is a long term plan. Cutting out refined sugar, salt, and processed foods for a short period of time will help you lose weight faster, however, this will lead to increased cravings for these unhealthy foods later on and you'll likely gain it all back. So the moral of the story is, try to eliminate bad habits slowly. After awhile, you'll notice that your body starts craving less and less.

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