What can I do to reduce body weight?

What can I do to reduce body weight


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1. Reduce calorie intake

This may seem counterintuitive at first, but if you're looking to lose some pounds, then reducing your calorie intake is the best way to go about it. If you consume fewer calories than what you burn, it will naturally lead to weight loss. However, make sure not to cut out any foods completely. You should be able to maintain basic nutrition while still cutting back on portions.

2. Exercise regularly

If you want to shed those extra pounds, then there's no better solution than exercise. Make sure to get enough sleep before exercising. A lack of sleep can cause fatigue and sluggishness, making you less likely to engage in physical activity. Also, be sure to keep yourself well-hydrated before exercising. When you're dehydrated, you'll have trouble concentrating and performing at peak levels. Dehydration can also result in cramps.

3. Cut down on processed food

Processed foods generally contain more calories than whole foods. Instead of eating packaged snacks and fast food, try eating fresh fruits and vegetables instead. These foods are loaded with vitamins and nutrients that help boost metabolism and encourage weight loss.

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4. Eat smaller meals throughout the day

Instead of having three big meals each day, eat smaller meals throughout the day. By doing so, you'll feel fuller longer and avoid overeating.

5. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water is essential in maintaining proper hydration in the body. Keeping your kidneys and liver working optimally means they'll work harder to eliminate toxins. In addition, drinking sufficient amounts of water helps regulate blood pressure, keeps skin smooth and supple, and aids digestion.

6. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is a diuretic that causes dehydration. As a result, your body loses more fluid than usual and this makes you hungry and thirsty. Alcohol also slows down your metabolism, which increases hunger even further.

7. Practice portion control

When you eat, always try to limit yourself to just two or three servings of any given food. Having small portions of high-calorie foods forces you to slow down and savor them. This reduces your desire to overeat later on.

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                             Photo by on Unsplash


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