HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, and comes from the idea of doing short bursts of exercise (high intensity) followed by longer recovery periods and repeat.



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Research demonstrates that performing interval training at least twice per week may offer additional improvements compared to traditional cardio exercise programs.

The evidence indicates that HIIT is superior to continuous running for fat burning, cardiovascular fitness, muscle growth and strength, and metabolic health.

It might seem counterintuitive that high-intensity intervals would burn more calories than low-to-moderate intensity endurance activity, but several factors contribute to how many calories are burned by each workout.

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First, during higher intensity workouts, your body’s core temperature increases faster. That means your muscles are using more oxygen, which in turn burns more calories.

Second, people who work out intensely tend to breathe harder, which causes their bodies to inhale more air (and therefore ingest more oxygen). And finally, research shows that exercising harder tends to increase your metabolic rate throughout the day, even after you finish working out.

So while moderate-intensity exercises such as jogging can build overall conditioning, they don't necessarily improve your ability to burn fat. In contrast, HIIT helps you achieve both goals.

In addition to being more effective for weight loss, HIIT seems to help protect your heart and lower blood pressure.

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Studies have shown that individuals performing interval training burn roughly 10%–20% more total calories than those participating in prolonged aerobic activities. As a result, HIIT is often recommended as a first step toward achieving weight loss goals.

However, interval training does not appear to cause any negative side effects such as muscle soreness that might accompany endurance training over time.

There is some data to suggest that interval training might provide greater results if performed regularly rather than sporadically. However, it's still unclear whether this holds true for everyone—it might depend on your genetics, the type of HIIT program you perform, and what else you do as part of your fitness routine.

If you're looking to lose weight and want to get leaner, HIIT might be right for you. But before you start a daily HIIT workout, take note. You'll need to spend about 20 minutes warming up and cooling down. If you're just starting out, you should plan on completing three to five sessions a week. If you've been working out consistently for years, try aiming for two to four sessions per week.

As always, consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

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